OPPD – Day 46

I’m cheating a little, although technically the rules are to post at least one picture a day, so I’m not really cheating at all.

f/3.5 | -1.0ev | ISO 100 | 18-55@18f/8 | 1/1250 | ISO 100 | 18-55@32 | Spot Meteredf/8 | 1/13 | -1.0ev | ISO 100 | 18-55@18

Coney Island. Home of the world-famous Nathan’s hot dog eating contest, overflowing with photographic subjects, and (I’m convinced) the inspiration for Pleasure Island in Pinocchio.

4 responses to “OPPD – Day 46

  1. Hillary Mondragon

    When did you go to Coney Island? Jealous! Pics are great-I’ll be sending over my “test subjects” soon!

  2. They turned out so cool! I love the ferris wheel…so Coney!

  3. HEY… totally cheating. I think you should amend the rules and force yourself to choose one.
    I like the top one best. Lots of layers, great colors, lots of interesting things to hold attention. I could look at that for a while. I like the wide angle a lot. Would’ve been better if you had a…
    The middle one I like, but I think it suffers a bit from having the sun in the frame. For the same reasons we talked about with my barn way back on day 24. Brightest part distracting from subject yada, yada.
    The bottom one is great too. I think maybe a polarizing filter would reduce some of the reflections in the glass. Could also be a cool HDR.

  4. Stick to your guns kid. Don’t let big brother distract you.

    My least favorite is the last one.

    I really like the middle one for the excellent composition, although you could have lopped some off the left side leaving only the sun, or maybe even cutting out 2/3 of the sun.

    But my favorite is the top one. (Am I really agreeing with Matt here?) This one has WOW plastered all over it.

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